Tina's world is a grid of squares like the one we sometimes use to graph in Algebra and Geometry. <iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/107876386?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="710" height="249" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> We can tell Tina to go directly to a specific point on the graph. This makes it easy to teach her to draw something! ```python.run import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') tina.penup() tina.write("I start at 0, 0") tina.goto(100,100) tina.write("This is 100, 100") tina.goto(-100,-100) tina.write("This is -100, -100") tina.goto(100,-100) tina.write("This is 100, -100") tina.goto(-100,100) tina.write("This is -100, 100") tina.goto(-100, 0) ``` The grid goes from -200 to 200 in both directions. You can send Tina to points outside her grid, but then you won't see what she's doing. ```python.run import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') tina.goto(200,200) tina.goto(-200,200) tina.goto(200,-200) tina.goto(-200,-200) tina.goto(0,0) tina.write(" This is how big my grid is!") ``` Play around drawing with Tina. Send her to other points on the grid with a new line like this: ```python tina.goto(37,-50) ``` You can pick whatever numbers you want, but they must be between `-200` and `200` for you to see them.


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