Tina is a Turtle that you control with code. Press run to see what this program does, and see if you can figure out what line tells Tina to say,"Why, hello there!"

Don't worry if you don't understand all of the code. You don't have to to get started, and more and more of it will become familiar to you as you keep going.

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Tina is a Turtle that you control with code. Press run to see what this program does, and see if you can figure out what line tells Tina to say,`"Why, hello there!"` ```python.run:height=400 import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') tina.penup() tina.forward(20) tina.write("Why, hello there!") tina.backward(20) ``` Don't worry if you don't understand all of the code. You don't have to to get started, and more and more of it will become familiar to you as you keep going. Use the arrow or click Next to go to the next example!


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