Tina can make circles of different sizes. Circles make it easy to make funny faces: ```python.run import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') tina.penup() tina.goto(30,-150) tina.pendown() tina.circle(130) tina.penup() tina.goto(0,0) tina.pendown() tina.circle(20) tina.circle(10) tina.penup() tina.forward(60) tina.right(45) tina.pendown() tina.circle(30) tina.circle(10) tina.penup() tina.right(90) tina.forward(90) tina.pendown() tina.circle(40) tina.penup() tina.goto(25,-25) ``` Can you make more funny faces in this image? Turtles can also `fill` in circles with colors, which can be very helpful for drawing. ```python.run import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') tina.penup() tina.begin_fill() tina.color('green') tina.goto(30,-150) tina.pendown() tina.circle(130) tina.penup() tina.end_fill() tina.color('white') tina.goto(0,0) tina.begin_fill() tina.pendown() tina.circle(20) tina.penup() tina.end_fill() tina.begin_fill() tina.color('black') tina.pendown() tina.circle(10) tina.penup() tina.end_fill() tina.forward(60) tina.right(45) tina.begin_fill() tina.color('white') tina.pendown() tina.circle(30) tina.penup() tina.end_fill() tina.begin_fill() tina.color('black') tina.pendown() tina.circle(10) tina.penup() tina.end_fill() tina.right(90) tina.forward(90) tina.begin_fill() tina.color('maroon') tina.pendown() tina.circle(40) tina.penup() tina.end_fill() tina.goto(25,-25) ```


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