Not only can we rename Turtles: we can have more than one! Let's give Tina a friend named Tommy: ``` import turtle tina = turtle.Turtle() tina.shape('turtle') tina.color('black') tina.left(90) tina.forward(100) tina.write("I'm Tina!") tina.forward(20) tina.right(90) tommy = turtle.Turtle() tommy.shape('turtle') tommy.color('black') tommy.right(90) tommy.forward(100) tommy.write("I'm Tommy!") tommy.forward(20) tommy.left(90) ``` Tina and Tommy are both drawing in `black`. Can you modify the code `tina.color('black')` and `tommy.color('black')` so that they're different colors? Need a color idea? Try an unusal one like `'goldenrod'` or `'magenta'`. Don't forget the **quotes** (`'`)!


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